Unexpected Previously Unknown Diversity of the Genus Microphor Macquart (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Microphorinae) in the West Palaearctic


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Simple Summary The genus Microphor contains small to very small true flies (Diptera) well known for the kleptoparasitic behavior of females, often observed as "stealing" tiny prey from spider webs. Altogether, 22 species of the genus (including 5 described in this paper) are known worldwide, and our paper loosely follows a recent study from North America. It is quite surprising that we add five new species to seven already known from West Palaearctic, which is the most studied area in the world with respect to the Diptera. Microphor baechlii sp. nov. (Switzerland, Turkey), M. chvalai sp. nov. (France), M. nevadensis sp. nov. (Spain), M. pallipes sp. nov. (Italy), and M. turcicus sp. nov. (Turkey) are described and illustrated. The neotype of M. anomalus (Meigen, 1824) is designated. Males of all known Palaearctic species of Microphor are keyed, genitalia are illustrated for new species and species previously inadequately illustrated, and main diagnostic characters are discussed. Microphor strobli Chvala, 1986 is newly recorded from Bulgaria, M. anomalus (Meigen, 1824) is newly recorded from Turkey, and M. holosericeus (Meigen, 1804) is newly recorded from Turkey and Portugal.
new species,neotype,descriptions,taxonomy,Bulgaria,Switzerland,Spain,Italy,Portugal,Turkey
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