An MLP-based Algorithm for Efficient Contrastive Graph Recommendations

SIGIR '22: Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval(2022)

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Graph-based recommender systems (GBRSs) have achieved promising performance by incorporating the user-item bipartite graph using the Graph Neural Network (GNN). Among GBRSs, the information from each user and item's multi-hop neighbours is effectively conveyed between nodes through neighbourhood aggregation and message passing. Although effective, existing neighbourhood information aggregation and passing functions are usually computationally expensive. Motivated by the emerging contrastive learning technique, we design a simple neighbourhood construction method in conjunction with the contrastive objective function to simulate the neighbourhood information processing of GNN. In addition, we propose a simple algorithm based on Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) for learning users and items' representations with extra non-linearity while lowering computational burden compared with multi-layers GNNs. Our extensive empirical experiments on three public datasets demonstrate that our proposed model, i.e. MLP-CGRec, can reduce the GPU memory consumption and training time by up to 24.0% and 33.1%, respectively, without significantly degenerating the recommendation accuracy in comparison with competitive baselines.
Contrastive Learning, Graph Neural Network
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