No tillage outperforms conventional tillage under arid conditions and following fertilization

Stavros D. Veresoglou,Junjiang Chen,Xuheng Du,Qi Fu, QingLiu Geng,Chenyan Huang, Xilin Huang, Nan Hu, Yiming Hun,Guolin C. Li,Zhiman Lin, Zhiyu Ma,Yuyi Ou, Shuo Qi, Haitian Qin,Yingbo Qiu,Xibin Sun, Ye Tao, YiLing Tian, Jie Wang, Lingxiao Wu, Ziwei Wu,Siqi Xie, Ao Yang, Dan Yang,Chen Zeng, Ying Zeng, RuJie Zhang

Soil Ecology Letters(2022)

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Reduced tillage practices present a tool that could sustainably intensify agriculture. The existing literature, however, lacks a consensus on how and when reduced tillage practices should get implemented. We reanalyzed here an extensive dataset comparing how regular tillage practices (i.e., conventional tillage) impacted yield of eight crops compared to stopping tillage altogether (i.e., no-tillage practice). We observed that aridity and fertilization favored no tillage over conventional tillage whereas conventional tillage performed better under high fertility settings. We further show that the responses are consistent across the crops. Our reanalysis complements the original and fills a gap in the literature questioning the conditions under which reducing tillage presents a viable alternative to common tillage practices.
Aridity,Crop production,Soil erosion,Sustainable agriculture,Tillage practices
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