Quantifying genetic differences between exported dairy bull calves and those sold for domestic beef production

D.P. Berry,S.C. Ring, A.J. Twomey

JDS Communications(2021)

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Summary: While many progeny from dairy herds are reared domestically for eventual processing as prime cattle, many are processed as calves to supply the veal market. Although no veal industry exists in Ireland, a selection of dairyborn calves traded privately or in livestock auctions are purchased for export to continental Europe for veal production. This study demonstrated that genetic variability does exist in which Holstein-Friesian male calves are chosen for export versus retained domestically for eventual slaughter at an older age (i.e., >1 yr of age); in fact, 4% of the variability of whether a purchased bull calf was exported could be attributable to underlying genetic differences. No strong genetic correlation was evident between whether a calf was exported (for veal) and the expression of carcass merit in prime cattle relatives. Moreover, not accounting for these exported calves in national carcass genetic evaluations is not a cause of concern for the potential introduction of bias.
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