Development of a laser frequency comb and precision radial velocity pipeline for SALT's HRS

Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX(2022)

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The Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) is developing precision radial velocity capability for its high-resolution spectrograph (HRS). The instrument's high-stability (HS) mode includes a fibre double scrambler and makes provision for simultaneous thorium-argon (ThAr) injection into the calibration fibre. Given the limitations associated with ThAr lamps, as well as the cost and complexity of turn-key commercial laser frequency combs (LFCs), we are in the process of designing and building a bespoke LFC for the Red channel of the HRS (555-890 nm). At a later stage we plan to extend the wavelength range of the LFC to include parts of the blue channel (370-555 nm) as well. A data reduction pipeline capable of delivering precision radial velocity results for the HS mode is also currently under development. We aim to have the LFC and PRV pipeline available for science operations in early 2024.
Laser frequency comb (LFC),astro-comb,precision wavelength calibration,precision radial velocity (PRV),simultaneous thorium-argon (ThAr),High-Resolution Spectrograph (HRS),Southern African Large Telescope (SALT)
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