LGMSU-Net: Local Features, Global Features, and Multi-Scale Features Fused the U-Shaped Network for Brain Tumor Segmentation


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Brain tumors are one of the deadliest cancers in the world. Researchers have conducted a lot of research work on brain tumor segmentation with good performance due to the rapid development of deep learning for assisting doctors in diagnosis and treatment. However, most of these methods cannot fully combine multiple feature information and their performances need to be improved. This study developed a novel network fusing local features representing detailed information, global features representing global information, and multi-scale features enhancing the model's robustness to fully extract the features of brain tumors and proposed a novel axial-deformable attention module for modeling global information to improve the performance of brain tumor segmentation to assist clinicians in the automatic segmentation of brain tumors. Moreover, positional embeddings were used to make the network training faster and improve the method's performance. Six metrics were used to evaluate the proposed method on the BraTS2018 dataset. Outstanding performance was obtained with Dice score, mean Intersection over Union, precision, recall, params, and inference time of 0.8735, 0.7756, 0.9477, 0.8769, 69.02 M, and 15.66 millisecond, respectively, for the whole tumor. Extensive experiments demonstrated that the proposed network obtained excellent performance and was helpful in providing supplementary advice to the clinicians.
axial-deformable attention module, brain tumor segmentation, deep learning, global features, local features, multi-scale features
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