Patient empowerment brochures to increase gabapentinoid deprescribing: protocol for the prospective, controlled before-and-after GABA-WHY trial.

CMAJ open(2022)

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BACKGROUND:Off-label use of gabapentinoids is common among patients admitted to hospital medical wards, who are at risk of adverse drug events. In this study, we will assess if educational brochures can increase rates of gabapentinoid deprescription among medical inpatients, compared with usual care. METHODS:We describe the protocol for a prospective before-and-after trial that will take place on 5 medical wards of 2 tertiary care hospitals in Montréal, Canada. The study intervention will include distribution of educational brochures to users of gabapentinoids during hospital admission, as well as short educational sessions for medical staff on safe gabapentinoid prescribing practices. We will include patients with a gabapentinoid prescription before admission who are aged 60 years or older. Exclusion criteria are known seizure disorder, severe cognitive impairment, expected prognosis less than 3 months and inability to read English or French. The primary outcome is the rate of gabapentinoid deprescription at 8 weeks postdischarge. We aim to recruit 160 participants, with a 1:1 distribution between intervention and control groups. INTERPRETATION:If successful, the use of educational brochures and staff education represents a scalable intervention to reduce gabapentinoid overuse by encouraging deprescription conversations between patients and their health care providers. Results of the study will be disseminated through publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at conferences. TRIAL, no. NCT04855578.
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