The X-shooter/ALMA Sample of Quasars in the Epoch of Reionization. II. Black Hole Masses, Eddington Ratios, and the Formation of the First Quasars


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We present measurements of black hole masses and Eddington ratios for a sample of 38 bright (M$_{1450}$ < -24.4 mag) quasars at 5.8 < z < 7.5, derived from VLT/X-shooter near-IR spectroscopy of their broad CIV and MgII emission lines. The black hole masses (on average M$_{BH}$ ~ 4.6 x 10$^9$ M$_{\odot}$) and accretion rates (with Eddington ratios ranging between 0.1 and 1.0) are broadly consistent with that of similarly luminous 0.3 < z < 2.3 quasars, but there is evidence for a mild increase in the median Eddington ratio going towards z > 6. Combined with deep ALMA observations of the [CII] 158 $\mu$m line from the quasar host galaxies and VLT/MUSE investigations of the extended Ly$\alpha$ halos, this study provides fundamental clues to models of the formation and growth of the first massive galaxies and black holes. Compared to local scaling relations, z > 5.7 black holes appear to be over-massive with respect to their host galaxies, and their accretion properties do not change with host galaxy morphology. Under the assumption that the kinematics of the T ~ 10$^4$ K gas, traced by the extended Ly$\alpha$ halos, are dominated by the gravitational potential of the dark matter halo, we report a similar relation between the black hole mass and circular velocity to the one reported for z ~ 0 galaxies. These results paint a picture where the first supermassive black holes reside in massive halos at z > 6 and lead the first stages of galaxy formation by rapidly growing in mass with a duty cycle of order unity. However, this duty cycle needs to drastically drop towards lower redshifts, while the host galaxies continue forming stars at a rate of hundreds of solar masses per year, sustained by the large reservoirs of cool gas surrounding them.
quasars,black hole masses,eddington ratios,x–shooter/alma sample,epoch
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