Edge-Cloud Collaborative Interference Mitigation with Fuzzy Detection Recovery for LPWANs

2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD)(2022)

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Recent researches have mitigated interference by utilizing cloud assistance or cloud-edge collaboration for Low-Power Wide-Area Networks. However, the issue of long interference recovery time prevents these methods from being well utilized in practical scenarios. In this paper, we propose a novel method, called FDR, for Edge-Cloud collaborative interference mitigation with Fuzzy Detection Recovery, which recovers errors in real-time. Our design (i) utilizes gateways and cloud servers and (ii) reduces data transmissions with fuzzy detection codes for real-time error recovery. In our design, each gateway detects and reports the fuzzy positions of errors to the cloud. Then the cloud restores packets with fuzzy detection results. FDR takes the advantage of both the computational ability of the cloud and the error detection benefit of each gateway. We design and implement FDR with commodity devices including LoRa SX1280 and the USRP-B210 platform. Experimental results show that FDR reduces recovery time by 78.53% compared with the state-of-art, and recovers interfered data packets accurately when the packet damage rate reaches 45.72%.
Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LP-WANs),Fuzzy Detection,Signal Real-Time Recovery
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