Classical diagnostic approach of the disease Vyanga (A type of dermatological disorder)

Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research(2017)

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The disease vyanga is a type of kshudra kustha (group of skin disorder), mentioned in Ayurveda. It may manifests with various sign and symptoms like mandalam visrijati (circular lesion), nirujatanuka (painless thin lesion), shyava (dark brown color lesion over skin) in face. According to modern science, it can be correlated with different conditions like hyperpigmentation, melasma, hypermelanosis and chloasma. It is also found in different types of systemic disorders. In Ayurveda there is no such standard parameter to indentify the severity of diseases. The present study has been carried out to make a classical diagnostic frame of the disease vyanga and to understand the brutality of this disease with the help of its fundamental sign and symptoms. Literary resources were analyzed in this study. All the data concerning features of vyanga mentioned in classical Ayurveda texts were collected and visualized features were documented in the form of photography to diagnose the disease accurately. Further validation of this preliminary approach of grading should be confirmed in large scale study.
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