Exploring Virtual Teaching Approaches Among Pediatricians During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: A Virtual Ethnographic Study

Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions(2022)

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During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, Canadian postsecondary institutions were forced to rely on online teaching to comply with physical distancing recommendations. This sole reliance on virtual methods to deliver synchronous teaching sessions in medical education was novel. We found little empirical research examining pediatric educators' experiences. Hence, the objective of our study was to describe and gain a deeper understanding of pediatric educators' perspectives, focusing on the research question, "How is synchronous virtual teaching impacting and transforming teaching experiences of pediatricians during a pandemic?"A virtual ethnography was conducted guided by an online collaborative learning theory. This approach used both interviews and online field observations to obtain objective descriptions and subjective understandings of the participants' experiences while teaching virtually. Pediatric educators (clinical and academic faculty) from our institution were recruited using purposeful sampling and invited to participate in individual phone interviews and online teaching observations. Data were recorded and transcribed, and a thematic analysis was conducted.Fifteen frontline pediatric teachers from our large Canadian research-intensive university were recruited. Four main themes, with subthemes, emerged: (1) the love/hate relationship with the virtual shift; (2) self-imposed pressure to increase virtual engagement; (3) looking back, moving forward; (4) accelerated adaptation and enhanced collaboration.Pediatricians adopted new delivery methods quickly and found many efficiencies and opportunities in this shift. Continued use of virtual teaching will lead to increased collaboration, enhanced student engagement strategies, and blending the advantages of virtual and face-to-face learning.
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