Dissipative Landau-Zener tunneling: crossover from weak to strong environment coupling

X. Dai, R. Trappen,H. Chen, D. Melanson,M. A. Yurtalan,D. M. Tennant, A. J. Martinez, Y. Tang,E. Mozgunov, J. Gibson,J. A. Grover,S. M. Disseler,J. I. Basham, S. Novikov,R. Das, A. J. Melville, B. M. Niedzielski,C. F. Hirjibehedin,K. Serniak, S. J. Weber, J. L. Yoder,W. D. Oliver, K. M. Zick,D. A. Lidar,A. Lupascu


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Landau-Zener (LZ) tunneling, describing transitions in a two-level system during a sweep through an anti-crossing, is a model applicable to a wide range of physical phenomena, such as atomic collisions, chemical reactions, and molecular magnets, and has been extensively studied theoretically and experimentally. Dissipation due to coupling between the system and environment is an important factor in determining the transition rates. Here we report experimental results on the dissipative LZ transition. Using a tunable superconducting flux qubit, we observe for the first time the crossover from weak to strong coupling to the environment. The weak coupling limit corresponds to small system-environment coupling and leads to environment-induced thermalization. In the strong coupling limit, environmental excitations dress the system and transitions occur between the dressed states. Our results confirm previous theoretical studies of dissipative LZ tunneling in the weak and strong coupling limits. Our results for the intermediate regime are novel and could stimulate further theoretical development of open system dynamics. This work provides insight into the role of open system effects on quantum annealing, which employs quantum tunneling to search for low-energy solutions to hard computational problems.
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