Successful Percutaneous Fogarty Thrombectomy for Subacute Lower Limb Ischemia Due to Resistant Thrombus in the Popliteal Artery


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Objective: Unusual setting of medical care Background: Subacute lower limb ischemia occurs more than 14 days and less than 3 months from symptom onset. Although endovascular procedures are the preferred treatment choice for a viable and not immediately threatened limb in patients with acute lower limb ischemia (14 days), percutaneous catheter-directed thrombolysis, percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy, or percutaneous thromboaspiration are not recommended, and no treatment strategy has yet been established for nonacute lower limb ischemia (14 days). A percutaneous Fogarty thrombectomy, an endovascular thrombus removal procedure with the use of a large-caliber sheath and a Fogarty balloon catheter, has recently been reported as a less invasive alternative to open surgery in patients with acute lower limb ischemia. In this report, we use this technique for a case of subacute lower limb ischemia caused by a resistant thrombus. Case Report: A 73-year-old man with a diagnosis of essential thrombocythemia presented with symptoms of right lower limb ischemia, which started about a month before. The diagnosis was subacute lower limb ischemia due to a resistant thrombus in the popliteal artery. First, we attempted percutaneous thromboaspiration and prolonged dilation with a large-caliber balloon catheter, but there were still severe residual stenoses with delayed blood flow. Although vascular scaffold implantation might have achieved complete revascularization, we avoided it because of a high probability of stent fracture in the popliteal artery. Thus, we performed a subsequent percutaneous Fogarty thrombectomy immediately after the conventional endovascular recanalization failed, achieving complete revascularization and next-day discharge without any complications. Conclusions: A percutaneous Fogarty thrombectomy could be a new treatment option for subacute lower limb ischemia due to a resistant thrombus, which can be performed immediately after failure of the conventional endovascular recanalization.
Catheterization, Peripheral, Endovascular Procedures, Thrombectomy, Thrombosis
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