GIS Databases

Konstantinos Domdouzis,Peter Lake,Paul Crowther

Undergraduate Topics in Computer ScienceConcise Guide to Databases(2021)

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Geographical Information Systems apply computer technology for the purpose of capturing, storing, handling, modelling and analysing information related to the surface of the Earth. The purpose of GIS is to help different specialties focused on nature to perform their operations better. Biologists examine the changes in the populations of amphibian species in forests and natural hazard analysts identify the risk areas generated by monsoon-related flooding through the examination of rainfall patterns and terrain features. GISs can help geological engineers to identify the best areas for the construction of buildings in earthquake-prone areas through the examination of the characteristics of the formation of rocks. A mining engineer is interested in the determination of which mines should be selected for further exploration while a geoinformatics engineer may use GISs in order to specify which are the best sites for the placement of a telecommunications company’s relay stations. GIS may be used by geological engineers in order to identify the best locations for the construction of buildings in an area affected by earthquakes. Also, geoinformatics engineers can determine the best locations for a telecommunications company’s relay stations. A forest manager can optimize timber production through the use of data on soil and tree stand distributions while trying to preserve species diversity in the area (Goodchild ).
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