Magnetic Deflection of a Low-Temperature Plasma Jet for a Magnetic Nozzle for Pulsed Fission-Fusion Engine

AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2021 Forum(2021)

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Our paper presents a preliminary study of a magnetic nozzle for pulsed fusion propulsion that relies on the deflection of an isotropically expanding plasma. A one-dimensional low-temperature plasma jet was used to determine the feasibility of plasma deflection based on the Lorentz force. The study includes measurements that quantify the plasma parameters (electron density and temperature), the plasma velocity, and maps of the ion current. We have shown that the plasma parameters fall into the low plasma pressure, high magnetic pressure parameter space where the plasma will be highly affected by the magnetic field. Collisions are negligible in deciding the final direction of plasma deflection. We have observed that with a plasma with an extremely small beta (β ~ 10-11) and large hall parameter (Ω >> 1). The visible plasma jet deflection follows along the j x B direction. However, the single probe measurements show us that the ions do not follow the j x B direction. The following results set us up for further testing with higher β plasma to see the optimal field required to acquire the desired deflection for a full-scale nozzle.
magnetic nozzle,magnetic deflection,plasma,low-temperature,fission-fusion
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