Coupling the Discrete Element Method with the Finite Element Method to Simulate Rockfall Impact Experiments

K. Sautter, H. Hofmann, C. Wendeler,M. Celigueta, P. Bucher,K. Bletzinger,R. Wüchner

9th edition of the International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering(2021)

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To numerically simulate rockfall impact on flexible protection structures two different numerical methods are coupled within the open-source multi-physics code KRATOS. The impacting object is modeled with the help of a cluster of spherical discrete elements and its movement and contact forces are simulated using the Discrete Element Method (DEM). To realize a partitioned coupling simulation the contact forces are subsequently transferred to the light-weight protection structure which is analyzed and simulated using the Finite Element Method (FEM). To allow a stable simulation even in the case of large contact forces and/or large time steps a strong coupling GaussSeidel algorithm is presented. Subsequently the applicability of the method is shown by calculating experiments and finally the inclusion of digital terrain data is demonstrated.
rockfall impact experiments,finite element method,discrete element method
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