Intrusion Detection Systems in IoT: Techniques, Datasets, and Challenges

Computing Technologies and Applications(2021)

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The Internet of Things (IoT) has affected our day-to-day lives via the quick multiplication of IoT devices, for example, wearable gadgets, keen sensors, as well as home machines. IoT gadgets are described by their network, inescapability, and restricted handling ability. The number of IoT gadgets on the planet is expanding quickly, and there could be 50 billion gadgets associated with the IoT before 2020. This blast of IoT gadgets, which can be effectively expanded with work stations, has resulted in an increase of IoT-based cyber-attack scenarios. In order to mitigate this threat, we need to focus on developing new approaches to distinguish assaults started from traded-off IoT gadgets. In this context, machine learning techniques are the most suitable analyst control approach against cyber-attacks produced from IoT gadgets. This chapter introduces a far-reaching audit of IoT frameworks related to advances, conventions, and threats arising for undermined IoT gadgets alongside giving a review of intrusion detection models. Additionally, this chapter covers the investigation of different artificial intelligence based machine learning strategies appropriate to identify IoT frameworks related to cyber-attacks.
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