Assessment of Disease Knowledge, Medication Adherence, HRQOL in COPD Patients at a South Indian Tertiary Care Hospital

S. Padmakar, R.B. Purandhar Chakravarthy,Prodduturu Sai Karthik, B.U. Charitha, T. Harini, P. Vijaya Narsimha Reddy

Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics(2021)

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Introduction: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive, life-threatening disease of the lungs, gradually causes breathlessness and predisposes to exacerbations and serious illness. The main objectives of the study are to evaluate disease knowledge, medication adherence, and health-related quality of life among COPD patients. Methodology: A Hospital-based, single-entered prospective observational study was conducted at a government general hospital, Andhra Pradesh. India after ethical committee approval. This study was conducted for 6 months with a sample size of 80 patients. Results: According to our study, the majority of the patients 36 (45%) don’t have disease knowledge, where a few numbers of patients 7 (8.75%) is having disease knowledge as per BCKQ score values. 11.25% of patients have the lowest MMAS scores whereas 58.75% were found to have higher MMAS scores and 37.5% of total patients have higher CAT scores, and 12.5% of patients have lower CAT scores. Conclusion: We found that majority of the patients have poor disease knowledge, lower adherence to medication regimens, and substandard HRQOL. Keywords: COPD knowledge, medication adherence, and HRQOL.
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