An Empirical Exploration of MOOC Effectiveness Towards Participants’ Intention-Fulfilment and Learners’ Satisfaction

Ankita Pathak,Sunil Mishra

Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective(2021)

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The research studied learner satisfaction and learner intention-fulfilment (IF) with the massive open online courses (MOOCs). Many authors have studied various prospects from the point of view of the developer. Retention and completion rate were studied by the authors but the satisfaction level of the students was untouched. The modern education system is more learner-centred which leads to lifelong learning. Lifelong learning focuses on the learner rather than the developer. The questionnaire was harvested among 177 MOOC participants. Various analyses such as mean, standard deviation, correlation, regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were applied with the help of statistical tool SPSS v26.0. The results reveal that the satisfaction level of the learner is affected positively by variables like online self-regulated learning which includes goal setting, behavioural variables and perceived course usability. Further, the satisfaction level of the participant is not dependent upon gender and age. Also, the previous learning experience of the participant does not affect their IF.
mooc effectiveness,satisfaction,learners,intention-fulfilment
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