Specified Ontologies in User Tags to Graphical User Interface Hedonistic Type Based on Sentiment Analysis

Communications in Computer and Information ScienceHuman-Computer Interaction(2021)

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In this research, some promising initial results are described from induced ontologies labels related to a Hedonistic Graphical User Interface with vocabularies. These results were selected using Cultural Algorithms based on desire intentions using some model assumptions. The usefulness of ontology aspects as a supplement to a labeling system that brand and model results and also demonstrates clearly its usability specification. Proposing a revised probabilistic model using ontologies to induce seed ontology aspects and describe how the model can be integrated into the community’s logistics labeling. Most hedonistic interfaces do not have an appropriate model that can correctly measure the assessment of having made a suitable match. Therefore, there is no model of user satisfaction associated with the search for a virtual dating center, which is why we propose a way to analyze the labels associated with an experience in a hedonistic interface and its associated satisfaction considering ontologies and an innovative metaheuristic. This metaheuristic allows to group-specific characteristics considering attributes associated with archetypes of male escorts.
Hedonistic GUIs,Cultural algorithms,Ontology,Automatic tagging based on emotion threshold
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