Task-selective place cells show behaviorally driven dynamics during learning and stability during memory recall

Roland Zemla, Jason J. Moore, Maya D. Hopkins,Jayeeta Basu

Cell Reports(2022)

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Decades of work propose that hippocampal activity supports internal representation of learned experiences and contexts, allowing individuals to form long-term memories and quickly adapt behavior to changing environments. However, recent studies insinuate hippocampal representations can drift over time, raising the question: how could the hippocampus hold stable memories when activity of its neuronal maps fluctuates? We hypothesized that task-dependent hippocampal maps set by learning rules and structured attention stabilize as a function of behavioral performance. To test this, we imaged hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons during learning and memory recall phases of a new task where mice use odor cues to navigate between two reward zones. Across learning, both orthogonal and overlapping task-dependent place maps form rapidly, discriminating trial context with strong correlation to behavioral performance. Once formed, task-selective place maps show increased long-term stability during memory recall phases. We conclude that memory demand and attention stabilize hippocampal activity to maintain contextually rich spatial representations.
hippocampus,behavior,context-dependent learning behavior,memory recall,task-selective place cells,stability,re-mapping dynamics,odor cues,spatial navigation,rewards,two-photon imaging
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