Abstract WMP114: Imaging of 68 Ga-prgd2 Pet/ct for Integrin αvß3 in Cerebral Small Vascular Disease


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Background: Angiogenesis was identified in severe intracranial artery stenosis/occlusion patient. The purpose of this study was to identify endogenous angiogenesis in SVD patients. Methods: We measured expression of integrin αvß3 using 68 Ga-S-2-(isothiocyanatobenzyl)-1, 4, 7-triazacyclononane-1, 4, 7-triacetic acid-PEG3-E[c(RGDyK)]2 ( 68 Ga-PRGD2) PET in 9 patients with SVD. Additionally, all patients underwent 18 F-FDG PET and 13 N-Amonia PET to evaluate the metabolism and cerebral blood flow. 8 patients underwent Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). All patients were given informed consent. Results: 68 Ga-PRGD2 uptake was indentified around white matter lesion and subcortical infarcts as punctiform in 9 patients, and the maximum standardized uptake values (SUVmax) of 68 Ga-PRGD2 around lesions were significantly higher than those in the normal brain (0.18±0.067 vs 0.06±0.029, mean±SD, P<0.001). Cerebral blood flow has a positive correlation with cerebral metabolism and negative correlation with MMSE score, no significant correlation with 68 Ga-PRGD2 uptake (r=-0.368, P= 0.092) Conclusion: The present study shows that there is angiogenesis in human cerebral SVD for the first time. No significant correlation between CBF and angiogenesis suggests complicated mechanisms of angiogenesis in SVD, which needs further investigation. Figure 1. MRI FLAIR showed diffuse white matter lesions( A).. 68 Ga-PRGD2 uptake was identified as punctiform around the WMLs (B.). 13 N-Amonia PET image(C) , 18 F-FDG PET image(D). Figure 2. Correlation between 68 Ga-PRGD2, 18 F-FDG and 13 N-Amonia
integrin αvß3,cerebral small vascular disease,ga-prgd
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