Summarizing experimental sensitivities of collider experiments to dark matter models and comparison to other experiments


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Comparisons of the coverage of current and proposed dark matter searches can help us to understand the context in which a discovery of particle dark matter would be made. In some scenarios, a discovery could be reinforced by information from multiple, complementary types of experiments; in others, only one experiment would see a signal, giving only a partial, more ambiguous picture; in still others, no experiment would be sensitive and new approaches would be needed. In this whitepaper, we present an update to a similar study performed for the European Strategy Briefing Book performed within the dark matter at the Energy Frontier (EF10) Snowmass Topical Group We take as a starting point a set of projections for future collider facilities and a method of graphical comparisons routinely performed for LHC DM searches using simplified models recommended by the LHC Dark Matter Working Group and also used for the BSM and dark matter chapters of the European Strategy Briefing Book. These comparisons can also serve as launching point for cross-frontier discussions about dark matter complementarity.
dark matter,dark matter models,experiments,experimental sensitivities
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