Two In Vivo Models to Study Salmonella Asymptomatic Carrier State in Chicks.

Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)(2022)

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In chicken, Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium, the two main serotypes isolated in human infections, can persist in the host organism for many weeks and up to many years without causing any symptoms. This persistence generally occurs after a short systemic infection that may either lead to death of very young birds or develop into cecal asymptomatic persistence, which is often accompanied by a high level of bacterial excretion, facilitating Salmonella transmission to counterparts. Here we describe two models of chick infection. The first model reproduces well the poultry infection in farm flocks. Numerous reinfections and animal-animal recontaminations occur leading to a high level of cecal colonization and fecal excretion in all chicks in the flock, over several weeks. In the second model, these animal reinfections and recontaminations are hampered leading to heterogeneity of infection characterized by the presence of low and super-shedders. This model allows for more mechanistic studies of Salmonella/chicks interactions as animal recontaminations are lowered.
Animal–animal transmission,Carrier state,Chicken models,Heterogeneity of infection,Salmonella infection
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