Improving Generalization by Commonality Learning in Face Forgery Detection

IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security(2022)

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This paper proposes a commonality learning strategy for face video forgery detection to improve the generalization. Considering various face forgery methods could leave certain similar forgery traces in videos, we attempt to learn the common forgery features from different forgery databases, so as to achieve better generalization in the detection of unknown forgery methods. Firstly, the Specific Forgery Feature Extractors (SFFExtractors) are trained separately for each of given forgery methods. We utilize the U-net structure and consider the triplet loss, location loss, classification loss, and automatic weighted loss to ensure the detection ability of SFFExtractors on the corresponding forgery methods. Next, the Common Forgery Feature Extractor (CFFExtractor) is trained under the supervision of SFFExtractors to explore the commonality of the forgery traces caused by different forgery methods. The extracted common forgery feature is expected to have a good generalization. The experimental results on FaceForensic++ show that the SFFExtractors outperform many state-of-the-arts in face forgery detection. The generalization performance of the CFFExtractor is verified on FaceForensic++, DFDC, and CelebDF. It is proved that commonality learning can be an effective strategy to improve generalization.
Deep learning,deepfake,face swapping,video forensics,generalization ability
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