Study of the Effect of Phosphorus on Mineral Nutrition of Faba Bean « Vicia fabae L .»

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation(2022)

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Our study focuses on the study of the phosphorus efficiency on the mineral nutrition of a leguminous plant; to study this efficiency, we tested the effect of increasing doses of phosphorus on the mineral nutrition of faba bean and on the concentration of Nt (total nitrogen), Pi (available phosphorus), KE (exchangeable potassium), C (organic carbon), and the organic matter (OM) rate in the rhizospheric soil after harvest, as well as the concentration of N, P, K, Na, and Ca in the roots, stems, leaves, and seeds of faba bean. The faba bean crop was subjected to four phosphorus doses (P0 = 0 kg/ha; P1 = 70 kg/ha; P2 = 140 kg/ha; P3 = 210 kg/ha). The main results obtained showed that the concentration of the mineral elements in the different faba bean parts reacted differently to the phosphorus treatments. Regarding the dosage of nutrients in the different parts of the faba bean, the results obtained highlight that Pi deficiency in the soil does not only affect phosphate nutrition but can also affect the absorption of other mineral elements, a synergy is recorded between the K concentration in the roots and in the stems with the organic carbon in the soil, and an antagonism between K and Na in the different parts of the plant. All the results obtained in this work show that a phosphate fertilization for doses between 70 kg/ha and 140 kg/ha of P2O5 improves the microbial life of soil microorganisms.
Phosphorus, Dose, Faba bean, Mineral Nutrition, Rhizospheric soil
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