Interactive effects of allelopathy and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the competition between the invasive species Bidens alba and its native congener Bidens biternata


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Allelopathy is an invasion driver, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) also play an important role in plant invasion. However, little is known about their interactive effects on plant invasion mechanisms. In this study, we have investigated the interactive effects of allelopathy and AMF on competition between the exotic invasive species, Bidens alba, and its native congener, Bidens biternata. A two-factor (allelopathy, AMF) common garden experiment was conducted using sterilised soil with or without AMF inoculation and with or without activated carbon (AC) addition. The results showed that both AC and AMF had significant effects on the relative yield (RY) of invasive species and competitive aggressivity (AG) between invasive and native species. Both AC and AMF exerted interactive effects on the AG. Activated carbon significantly reduced AG (0.86 vs 0.15%) without AMF, while it had no significant effects on AG with AMF. Moreover, AC significantly reduced the mycorrhizal dependency of the native species (108.06% vs 23.62%) but did not affect the invasive species. The AMF increased the variety of organic compounds in the aqueous extracts of the rhizosphere soil of invasive species, regardless of the competition. Overall, allelopathy significantly increased the mycorrhizal dependency of the native species, while it promoted the competitive ability of the invader regardless of AMF inoculation. Conversely, AMF reduced the facilitation of allelopathy in the AG of the invasive species. These results suggest that AMF play a critical role in improving the resistance of the native species to the invader by mediating allelopathy.
alien, allelopathy, AMF, competition, exotic invader
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