Ensemble Learning for Threat Classification in Network Intrusion Detection on a Security Monitoring System for Renewable Energy


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Most approaches for detecting network attacks involve threat analyses to match the attack to potential malicious profiles using behavioral analysis techniques in conjunction with packet collection, filtering, and feature comparison. Experts in information security are often required to study these threats, and judging new types of threats accurately in real time is often impossible. Detecting legitimate or malicious connections using protocol analysis is difficult; therefore, machine learning-based function modules can be added to intrusion detection systems to assist experts in accurately judging threat categories by analyzing the threat and learning its characteristics. In this paper, an ensemble learning scheme based on a revised random forest algorithm is proposed for a security monitoring system in the domain of renewable energy to categorize network threats in a network intrusion detection system. To reduce classification error for minority classes of experimental data in model training, the synthetic minority oversampling technique scheme (SMOTE) was formulated to re-balance the original data sets by altering the number of data points for minority class to imbue the experimental data set. The classification performance of the proposed classifier in threat classification when the data set is unbalanced was experimentally verified in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score on the UNSW-NB15 and CSE-CIC-IDS 2018 data sets. A cross-validation scheme featuring support vector machines was used to compare classification accuracies.
intrusion detection, ensemble learning, random forest algorithm, SMOTE, F1 score
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