Surveys and inferential statistics to analyze contextual and personal factors influencing domestic hot water systems and usage profiles in residential buildings of Southern Italy


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In European efficient buildings, the share of energy use for DHW is a significant percentage of the heat requirement. The evaluation of DHW energy demand and consumption patterns has been neglected in the past and studies are located in Northern countries. This paper presents a survey conducted in Southern Italy. Descriptive statistics were performed to characterize DHW production by climatic zone. Inferential statistics were conducted to discover significant contextual and personal variables and identify usage groups. The most used energy source was biomass (49.3%), followed by methane gas (37.7%). Fireplaces were installed in the coldest zone, in detached houses, more in small municipalities (36%), and low-income families (32%). Solar systems were in 8% of dwellings having income higher than 28000(sic). Four clusters of dwellings were identified considering the daily usage hours. The eldest and less numerous households fell into the cluster with the lowest usage (3.5 h). Households with a percentage <25% of unemployed components had more probability to belong to clusters with more DHW usages. The paper contributes to fill the investigation in the Mediterranean area and provides a systematic approach to expand the limited knowledge about the influencing factors on the DHW production and usage. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
DHW, Residential buildings, Occupant behavior, Energy source, Energy poverty, Clustering
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