Tokamak with Reactor Technologies (TRT): Preliminary Analysis of Nuclear Energy Release in Toroidal Field Coils


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Results of calculation of nuclear heat deposition rate in the vacuum vessel and magnetic coils of the tokamak with reactor technologies are presented. Results obtained for D–D and D–T plasmas are compared with each other. Based on the results of the calculations, a conclusion is reached that the nuclear heat rate for the D–D plasma falls into an acceptable range below 1 mW/cm 3 , and the proposed vacuum vessel design is satisfactory from the point of view of radiation shielding. For the D–T plasma, the question regarding additional protection measures or limitation of discharge time remains open for discussion. Based on calculated spatial and energy distributions of the neutron field, we draw the conclusion that an increase in the thickness of protective water layer has the largest effect from the point of view of increasing radiation shielding. Nevertheless, the thickness of the water layer has to be more than doubled in the vacuum vessel, at least, in the inner segment near the equatorial plane, in order to decrease the heat load on the toroidal field coil to the level allowing long discharge when the system operates with D–T plasma. The sources of energy release in toroidal coils are estimated, along with several variants of shielding. In particular, the statement that using boron enriched with 10 B isotope has nearly no impact on energy release is substantiated. The possibility of operation with D–D plasma is confirmed, and problems of radiation shielding when using D–T plasma are revealed.
tokamak with reactor technologies, TRT, analysis of neutron transport and gamma radiation, nuclear-radiative energy release, neutron protection
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