Evaluation of Drought Tolerance in Maize Inbred Lines Selected from the Shaan A Group and Shaan B Group


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Drought is one of the most prevailing abiotic stresses affecting the growth, development, and productivity of maize. Knowledge of drought tolerance could help in maize improvement. However, less research has been done to comprehensively evaluate the drought tolerance of maize inbred lines. We used 27 elite maize inbred lines selected from Shaan A group and Shaan B group breeding populations to estimate their drought tolerance in 3 years 2 locations under normal field conditions and low irrigation. Using principal component analysis (PCA) and GGE biplots, all inbred lines, including the controls, could be divided into four types. Ten lines could be categorized as the high-yield drought-resistant type ('KB081', 'KA105', 'KB417', 'KB215', 'KB-7', '2013KB-37', 'KA203', '2012KA-34', 'KA225', and '91227') because of their stability and wide adaptability. Compared with the controls, a large proportion of the inbred lines selected from Shaan A and Shaan B breeding populations demonstrated higher drought resistance. Our results suggest that multi-year drought screening can be used as a tool to improve the drought resistance of maize inbred lines and provide a scientific basis for making better use of the Shaan A and Shaan B maize inbred lines to breed new varieties and to identify existing drought-resistant maize varieties.
maize, indices of drought tolerance, drought tolerance index, GGE-biplot
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