Determining factors that make it possible to establish typologies of teachers in the context of technological innovation in education


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The figure of the teacher plays a fundamental role in the integration of digital technologies (TD) in the teaching-learning process. From this perspective, several studies have been carried out with the aim of defining the most influential variables and/or factors in the adoption, use and integration of TD from the teacher's perspective, of which very few conclude with a clear definition. From this point of view, the study aims to design an explanatory theoretical instructional model of the different teacher profiles that brings together all the variables and factors that can intervene in the integration of digital technologies in the educational environment, focusing on the needs, types and characteristics of teachers. Based on the analysis of the literature and previous pragmatic studies, different variables have been identified that influence the integration of TD and that have allowed the design of a model of teacher profiles from the perspective of teaching practice, which determine the stages of adoption, applying contextual paradigms. The study concludes that the determining variables for the appropriation of TD from the context of teachers are Attitude and Self-efficacy, to which are added the factors: Usefulness of use, Ownership, access to TD, Teacher training, Ease of use, Importance, social pressure and Interest in TDs. These variables and factors lead to the creation of an instructional model of theoretical and explanatory approximation of the five teacher profiles with respect to the adoption, use and integration of TD in the educational process, which we have labelled as: "resistant", "confused", "adopter", "persuaded" and "innovator".
Digital competence, Teacher profiles, Digital technology, Educational technology, Educational uses of technology
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