Deep learning based pulse prediction of nonlinear dynamics in fiber optics


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The initial state of a nonlinear optical fiber system plays a vital role in the ultrafast pulse evolution dynamic. In this work, a data-driven compressed convolutional neural network, named inverse network, is proposed to predict initial pulse distribution through a series of discrete power profiles at different propagation distances. The inverse network is trained and tested based on two typical nonlinear dynamics: (1) the pulse evolution in a fiber optical parametric amplifier system and (2) soliton pair evolution in high-nonlinear fibers. Great prediction accuracy is reached when the epoch grows to 5000 in both cases, with the normalized root mean square errors below 0.01 on the entire testing set. Meanwhile, the lightweight network is highly effective. In this work, it takes approximately 30 seconds for 5,000 epochs training with a dataset size of 900. The inverse network is further tested and analyzed on the dataset with different signal-to-noise ratios and input sizes. The results show fair stability at the deviation on the testing set. The proposed inverse network demonstrates a promising approach to optimizing the initial pulse of fiber optics systems. (C) 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement.
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