DEMO – The main achievements of the Pre – Concept phase of the safety and environmental work package and the development of the GSSR

G. Caruso, S. Ciattaglia, B. Colling, L. Di Pace,D. N. Dongiovanni,M. D'Onorio,M. Garcia, X. Z. Jin,J. Johnston, D. Leichtle, T. Pinna, M. T. Porfiri, W. Raskob,N. Taylor,N. Terranova, R. Vale

Fusion Engineering and Design(2022)

引用 22|浏览8
The EUROfusion Safety and Environmental Work Package (WPSAE) has the scope to progress the safety studies for the future EU DEMO reactor. A Generic Site Safety Report (GSSR) has been prepared to include all the steps necessary to cover the safety issues of the nuclear fusion plant, from the definition of principles and requirements, through the detection of the source terms at risk, selecting the postulated initiating events, analyzing the accidents, quantifying the doses to the population and investigating waste production and its management. Eleven GSSR volumes collate the studies performed. The final goal is to prepare safety documentation, as complete as possible, to initiate a preliminary safety report when the plant site is selected.
DEMO safety,Source terms,ACP,DBA,BDBA,MELCOR,FFMEA,ORE,Activation
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