Privacy-Preserving Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Medical Data

IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics(2023)

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Great progress has been made in diagnosing medical diseases based on deep learning. Large-scale medical data are expected to improve deep learning performance further. It is almost impossible for a single institution to collect so much data due to the time-consuming and costly collection and labeling of medical data. Many studies have turned attention to data sharing among multiple medical institutions. However, due to different data acquiring and processing procedures, multiple institutions' medical data is characterized by distribution heterogeneity. Besides, the protection of patient privacy in medical data sharing has also been a common concern. To simultaneously address the problems of heterogeneous data distribution and privacy protection, we propose a novel multi-source source free domain adaptation. When aligning distributed heterogeneous data, our method only require to transfer the pre-trained source models rather than the direct source domain data, thus protecting patients' privacy. In addition, it has the advantages of being efficient and less costly in network resources. The proposed method is evaluated on the multi-site fMRI database Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE) and yields an average accuracy of 69.37%. We also analyzed its effectiveness on network resource-saving and conducted additional experiments on Camelyon17 to validate the generalization.
Medical diagnostic imaging,Functional magnetic resonance imaging,Data privacy,Adaptation models,Feature extraction,Data models,Bandwidth,Source free domain adaptation,multi-institutions data sharing,privacy protection
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