Time Course of Coagulo-Fibrinolytic Derangements During Acclimatization to High Altitude in Rabbits and a Preliminary Study on the Possible Mechanisms.

High altitude medicine & biology(2022)

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Zhong, Xin, Zhao Ye, Xiaolin Zhou, Renqing Jiang, Yijun Jia, Wenqiong Du, Haoyang Yang, Lin Zhang, Bai Lu, and Zhaowen Zong. Time course of coagulo-fibrinolytic derangements during acclimatization to high altitude in rabbits and a preliminary study on the possible mechanisms. . 23:240-248, 2022. Conflicting data exist regarding changes in the coagulation system during acclimatization to high altitude (HA), which makes the prevention of thromboembolic events difficult. The present study aimed at observing the dynamic changes in the coagulo-fibrinolysis system during acclimatization to HA and at exploring the possible mechanisms. Twenty rabbits of both sexes were randomly divided into two groups, including group A rabbits (healthy plain controls) and group B rabbits (acutely exposed to HA). A traditional coagulation test, thromboelastography analysis, and full blood cell count were used to assess the coagulo-fibrinolytic changes at different time points. Plasma was collected to examine the levels of relevant biomarkers. Six hours and 1 day after acute exposure to HA, the coagulo-fibrinolytic system demonstrated a hypercoagulable state. Further, 3 days after exposure to HA, group B rabbits showed hypocoagulability, increased fibrinolysis, and lower clot firmness and 7 days after exposure to HA, delayed coagulation, decreased fibrinolysis, and increased clot firmness were observed. Subsequently, 14, 21, and 28 days after exposure to HA, we found increased clot firmness. Increased platelet counts and concentrations of fibrinogen and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 contributed to this change. The coagulo-fibrinolytic derangements during acclimatization to HA in rabbits demonstrated a dynamic pattern.
acclimatization,acute exposure,coagulo-fibrinolytic derangements,high altitude
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