An Empirical Study of Service Mesh Traffic Management Policies for Microservices

ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering(2022)

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ABSTRACTA microservice architecture features hundreds or even thousands of small loosely coupled services with multiple instances. Because microservice performance depends on many factors including the workload, inter-service traffic management is complex in such dynamic environments. Service meshes aim to handle this complexity and to facilitate management, observability, and communication between microservices. Service meshes provide various traffic management policies such as circuit breaking and retry mechanisms, which are claimed to protect microservices against overload and increase the robustness of communication between microservices. However, there have been no systematic studies on the effects of these mechanisms on microservice performance and robustness. Furthermore, the exact impact of various tuning parameters for circuit breaking and retries are poorly understood. This work presents a large set of experiments conducted to investigate these issues using a representative microservice benchmark in a Kubernetes testbed with the widely used Istio service mesh. Our experiments reveal effective configurations of circuit breakers and retries. The findings presented will be useful to engineers seeking to configure service meshes more systematically and also open up new areas of research for academics in the area of service meshes for (autonomic) microservice resource management.
microservices,service mesh,traffic management,circuit breaking,retry,microservice resiliency
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