Hyper-dimensional Visualization of Cultural Heritage: A Novel Multi-analytical Approach on 3D Pomological Models in the Collection of the University of Milan

Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage(2022)

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AbstractDigital close-range photogrammetry allows us to acquire high-fidelity tridimensional models useful to document cultural heritage objects with an impressive level of detail. In addition, this technique carries a strong analytical potentiality, able to gain improved knowledge of cultural objects and their preservation conditions. This project is focused on a comprehensive diagnostic survey using 3D multispectral modeling, high-resolution digital radiography, pulsed thermography, XRF, FT-IR, and FORS spectroscopies to document and characterize from a conservative point of view the poly-material objects that belong to the “Garnier Valletti” pomological collection—a unique collection from both scientific and artistic points of view. The analytical integration of imaging techniques, 3D modeling, and spectroscopic techniques provides information from the surface, sub-surface, and innermost layers of the object, respectively, capturing both accurate morphometric, spectral, and compositional data. The article presents the results obtained on typical poly-material and multilayered objects of this collection for which the combination of the considered techniques provided important data to the technical knowledge of the realization highlighting a particular predictive ability from a conservative point of view.
3D digitalization, photogrammetry, virtual color reconstruction, multispectral imaging, materials characterization, pomological models, ND techniques
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