Simulation Analysis of Composite Insulator Decay Defect Detection Based on Nature Frequency

2021 IEEE 2nd China International Youth Conference on Electrical Engineering (CIYCEE)(2021)

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In the operation of composite insulators, once there is a disconnection fault, it will cause a vicious accident of disconnection, which will seriously affect the normal operation of the power grid. In recent years, there has been a phenomenon of decay and fracture of composite insulators, which is different from brittle fracture and conventional fracture. At present, the domestic and foreign countries are still in the preliminary stage of research on the decay and fracture of the mandrel, and it is very important to explore a method for detecting the decay state of composite insulators. Based on the characteristics of composite insulator decay and fracture, this paper simulates and analyzes the effect of decay degree on the low-order natural frequency of composite insulators, and explores the feasibility of the detection method of composite insulator decay defects based on low-order natural frequencies. The simulation results show that the decay of the composite insulator causes its low-order natural frequency to shift, and the degree of shift increases with the increase of decay depth and length, which proves that it is feasible to use natural frequency deviation of composite insulators to detect decayed composite insulators.
composite insulator,decay fracture,detection method,natural frequency,simulation
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