Running coupling constant in thermal ϕ4 theory up to two loop order

Physical review(2022)

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Using the imaginary time formalism in thermal field theory, we derive the running coupling constant and running mass in two loop order. In the process, we express the imaginary time formalism of Feynman diagrams as the summation of nonthermal quantum field theory (QFT) Feynman diagrams with coefficients that depend on temperature and mass. Renormalization constants for thermal ${\\ensuremath{\\phi}}^{4}$ theory were derived using simple diagrammatic analysis. Our model links the nonthermal QFT and the imaginary time formalism by assuming both have the same mass scale $\\ensuremath{\\mu}$ and coupling constant $g$. When these results are combined with the renormalization group equations and applied simultaneously to thermal and nonthermal proper vertex functions, the coupling constant and running mass with implicit temperature dependence are obtained. We evaluated pressure for scalar particles in two loop orders at the zero external momentum limit by substituting the running mass result in the quasiparticle model.
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