Automatic Recognition of Whale and Dolphin Whistles Based on Visual Feature Extraction Approach

Wei Wu, Huibin Feng,Naveed Ur Rehman Junejo, Yuquan Qiu,Jiaquan Yan

2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Power, Electronics and Computer Applications (ICPECA)(2022)

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Automatic recognition of marine mammals plays a significant role in the protection of endangered marine species, generally utilizing their vocalizations. In this paper, we propose a novel visual feature extraction approach for whale and dolphin signals incorporating variational mode decomposition (VMD) and Hilbert transform (VMD-HT) to construct the high-resolution time-frequency signatures and using gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) to extort image features. Firstly, the objected signals are decomposed by VMD algorithm into multiple intrinsic mode functions (IMFs), which can capture local frequency features precisely. Secondly, the time-frequency signature of the objected signal with high resolution is constructed by linear superposition operation of each IMF time-frequency image depicted through Hilbert transform (HT). Thirdly, the image features are extracted using GLCM. Eventually, support vector machine (SVM) is adopted to validate the classification performance of the proposed method. The experimental results verify that the resolution improvement of time-frequency image attains the correct recognition rate and the proposed method accuracy is higher than the compared method about 11.11%
Whale and Dolphin whistle,Variational mode decomposition,Hilbert transform,Gray level co-occurrence matrix,Support vector machine
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