Operando and High-throughput multicscale-tomography

C. Rau,S. Marathe, A. J. Bodey, M. Storm,D. Batey,S. Cipiccia,P. Li,R. Ziesche, M. Al-Hada, S. L. M. Schroeder, G. Das,A. Goswami

Optical Engineering + Applications(2021)

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We report about the current and future multi-scale imaging capabilities at the Diamond beamline I13L. Operando and high-throughput imaging is achieved by using either the so-called pink-beam or a multilayer monochromator. The beam modes are compatible with the different techniques covering the micro- to the nano-length scale. In-line phase contrast tomography with up to 300 samples per day is achieved when using an automated sample changer. Fast recording (without the sample changing robot) enables operando studies with a vast variety of dedicated sample environments. For imaging with highest spatial resolution we managed to improve significantly the recording speed of ptycho-tomography, which is now in the order of hours. The Diamond II upgrade planned for 2027 will close the gap in recording times for real and reciprocal space imaging, permitting operando imaging across all length scales. The beamline covers a large range of scientific areas such as materials science, biology and medical research, environmental sciences.
tomography, synchrotron radiation, nano-imaging, phase contrast, X-ray microscopy, ptychography, Bragg-CDI, pink-beam, operando imaging, high-throughput imaging
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