Early signals of Omicron severity in sentinel UK hospitals

Shazaad Ahmad,Benjamin Brown,Andre Charlett,Emma Davies,Thomas House, Ben Kirkman,Nicholas Machin, Robert O'Hara, Rob Paton,Lorenzo Pellis, Tom Ward,Christopher E. Overton


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On 26th November 2021, a novel SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.1.529 (Omicron variant) was designated as a variant of concern by the World Health Organisation. Using data from the Virology laboratory at the Manchester Medical Microbiology Partnership (MMMP, a partnership between UKHSA and the Manchester Foundation Trust), we have extracted a real-time feed of Omicron samples from hospitals across Greater Manchester, an area of the United Kingdom with a population size of approximately three million individuals. Omicron hospital samples are growing exponentially across Greater Manchester (doubling time 2.7 days (95% CI: 2.1, 3.7)). The proportion of Omicron in hospital samples follows a similar trajectory to the SGTF proportion in cases, but with a two-day offset. This is consistent with the delay from testing positive to hospital admission, implying a similar proportion of Omicron cases are converting to hospital admissions as for Delta cases. Comparing the Greater Manchester data to national hospitalisation data, similar tends are observed. Therefore, there is no signal of a substantial reduction in hospital admission risk with Omicron, and Omicron epidemics are likely to place a substantial burden on public health infrastructure.
omicron severity,hospitals
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