O ct 2 02 1 Coupled dynamics of quantized vortices and normal fluid in superfluid 4 He based on lattice Boltzmann method


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We investigate the coupled dynamics of quantized vortices and normal fluid in superfluid He at finite temperatures using a numerical approach based on the vortex filament model (VFM) and lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). The LBM allows us to simulate a fluid flow with only local operations, i .e., rather than solving the Navier–Stoles (NS) equations directly; a fluid flow is considered a convection of mesoscopic particles between sites on a lattice grid. Although the twofluid nature of He II makes its flow complex, the particle-like treatment of the normal fluid in the LBM significantly reduces the complexity. We confirm, by comparing to results obtained with direct NS simulations, that the proposed numerical approach reproduces characteristic flow structures. We also demonstrate that the proposed computational approach is suitable for a thermal counterflow simulation with a solid boundary to elucidate a thermal boundary layer near a heater in a closed channel.
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