Identifying Medication-related Intents from a Bidirectional Text Messaging Platform for Hypertension Management: An Unsupervised Learning Approach


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Background: Free-text communication between patients and providers is playing an increasing role in chronic disease management, through platforms varying from traditional healthcare portals to more novel mobile messaging applications. These text data are rich resources for clinical and research purposes, but their sheer volume render them difficult to manage. Even automated approaches such as natural language processing require labor-intensive manual classification for developing training datasets, which is a rate-limiting step. Automated approaches to organizing free-text data are necessary to facilitate the use of free-text communication for clinical care and research. Objective: We applied unsupervised learning approaches to 1) understand the types of topics discussed and 2) to learn medication-related intents from messages sent between patients and providers through a bi-directional text messaging system for managing participant blood pressure. Methods: This study was a secondary analysis of de-identified messages from a remote mobile text-based employee hypertension management program at an academic institution. In experiment 1, we trained a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model for each message type (inbound-patient and outbound-provider) and identified the distribution of major topics and significant topics (probability >0.20) across message types. In experiment 2, we annotated all medication-related messages with a single medication intent. Then, we trained a second LDA model (medLDA) to assess how well the unsupervised method could identify more fine-grained medication intents. We encoded each medication message with n-grams (n-1-3 words) using spaCy, clinical named entities using STANZA, and medication categories using MedEx, and then applied Chi-square feature selection to learn the most informative features associated with each medication intent. Results: A total of 253 participants and 5 providers engaged in the program generating 12,131 total messages: 47% patient messages and 53% provider messages. Most patient messages correspond to blood pressure (BP) reporting, BP encouragement, and appointment scheduling. In contrast, most provider messages correspond to BP reporting, medication adherence, and confirmatory statements. In experiment 1, for both patient and provider messages, most messages contained 1 topic and few with more than 3 topics identified using LDA. However, manual review of some messages within topics revealed significant heterogeneity even within single-topic messages as identified by LDA. In experiment 2, among the 534 medication messages annotated with a single medication intent, most of the 282 patient medication messages referred to medication request (48%; n=134) and medication taking (28%; n=79); most of the 252 provider medication messages referred to medication question (69%; n=173). Although medLDA could identify a majority intent within each topic, the model could not distinguish medication intents with low prevalence within either patient or provider messages. Richer feature engineering identified informative lexical-semantic patterns associated with each medication intent class. Conclusion: LDA can be an effective method for generating subgroups of messages with similar term usage and facilitate the review of topics to inform annotations. However, few training cases and shared vocabulary between intents precludes the use of LDA for fully automated deep medication intent classification.
hypertension management,bidirectional text,intents,medication-related
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