Can Round-Optimal Lattice-Based Blind Signatures be Practical?

IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive(2021)

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Blind signatures have numerous applications in privacy-preserving technologies. While there exist many practical blind signatures from number-theoretic assumptions, the situation is far less satisfactory from post-quantum assumptions. In this work, we make advances towards making lattice-based blind signatures practical. We introduce two round-optimal constructions in the random oracle model, and provide guidance towards their concrete realization as well as efficiency estimates. The first scheme relies on the homomorphic evaluation of a lattice-based signature scheme. This requires an HE-compatible lattice-based signature. For this purpose, we show that the rejection step in Lyubashevsky’s signature is unnecessary if the working modulus grows linearly in √ Q, where Q is an a priori bound on the number of signature queries. Compared to the state of art scheme from Hauck et al [CRYPTO’20], this blind signature compares very favorably in all aspects except for signer cost. Compared to a lattice-based instantiation of Fischlin’s generic construction, it is much less demanding on the user and verifier sides. The second scheme relies on the Gentry, Peikert and Vainkuntanathan signature [STOC’08] and non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs for linear relations with small unknowns, which are significantly more efficient than their general purpose counterparts. Its security stems from a new and arguably natural assumption which we introduce: one-more-ISIS. This assumption can be seen as a lattice analogue of the one-more-RSA assumption by Bellare et al [JoC’03]. To gain confidence, we provide a detailed overview of diverse attack strategies. The resulting blind signature beats all the aforementioned from most angles and obtains practical overall performance.
blind signatures,round-optimal,lattice-based
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