The Applicability of Time-Integrated Unit Stream Power for Estimating Bridge Pier Scour Using Noncontact Methods in a Gravel-Bed River


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In near-field remote sensing, noncontact methods (radars) that measure stage and surface water velocity have the potential to supplement traditional bridge scour monitoring tools because they are safer to access and are less likely to be damaged compared with in-stream sensors. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of radars for monitoring the hydraulic conditions that contribute to bridge-pier scour in gravel-bed channels. Measurements collected with a radar were also leveraged along with minimal field measurements to evaluate whether time-integrated stream power per unit area (ohm) was correlated with observed scour depth at a scour-critical bridge in Colorado. The results of this study showed that (1) there was close agreement between radar-based and U.S. Geological Survey streamgage-based measurements of stage and discharge, indicating that radars may be viable tools for monitoring flow conditions that lead to bridge pier scour; (2) ohm and pier scour depth were correlated, indicating that radar-derived ohm measurements may be used to estimate scour depth in real time and predict scour depth based on the measured trajectory of ohm. The approach presented in this study is intended to supplement, rather than replace, existing high-fidelity scour monitoring techniques and provide data quickly in information-poor areas.
radar,noncontact,bridge scour,stream power,discharge,velocity,river,probability concept
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