Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Basics for the Gynecologist

T.K. Brah, H.Y. Wu, K.E. Patzkowsky,K.C. Wang,K. Simpson

Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology(2021)

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Study Objective The aim of our video is to provide fundamental knowledge regarding the use and interpretation of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in regard to gynecology. We will describe the mechanisms behind MRI and review clinical considerations such as indications for MRI, use of contrast, and contraindications. We will provide basic concepts in the interpretation of images and review common imaging findings the gynecologist may encounter. Design 6-minute educational video. Setting N/A. Patients or Participants Our video is targeted toward medical students, residents, fellows, and providers who practice gynecologic care. Interventions N/A. Measurements and Main Results N/A. Conclusion In addition to first-line diagnostic tools, MRI can serve as a helpful adjunct in the gynecologist's armamentarium. Through basic understanding of MRI and pattern recognition of common gynecologic pathologies, providers can better utilize MR images. The aim of our video is to provide fundamental knowledge regarding the use and interpretation of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in regard to gynecology. We will describe the mechanisms behind MRI and review clinical considerations such as indications for MRI, use of contrast, and contraindications. We will provide basic concepts in the interpretation of images and review common imaging findings the gynecologist may encounter. 6-minute educational video. N/A. Our video is targeted toward medical students, residents, fellows, and providers who practice gynecologic care. N/A. N/A. In addition to first-line diagnostic tools, MRI can serve as a helpful adjunct in the gynecologist's armamentarium. Through basic understanding of MRI and pattern recognition of common gynecologic pathologies, providers can better utilize MR images.
magnetic resonance imaging,mri,gynecologist,magnetic resonance
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