Stochastic-Expert Variational Autoencoder for Collaborative Filtering

International World Wide Web Conference(2022)

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ABSTRACT Motivated by the recent successes of deep generative models used for collaborative filtering, we propose a novel framework of VAE for collaborative filtering using multiple experts and stochastic expert selection, which allows the model to learn a richer and more complex latent representation of user preferences. In our method, individual experts are sampled stochastically at each user-item interaction which can effectively utilize the variability among multiple experts. While we propose this framework in the context of collaborative filtering, the proposed stochastic expert technique can be used to enhance VAEs in general beyond the application of collaborative filtering. Hence, this novel technique can be of independent interest. We comprehensively evaluate our proposed method, Stochastic-Expert Variational Autoencoder (SE-VAE) on numerical experiments on the real-world benchmark datasets from MovieLens and Netflix and show that it consistently outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods across all metrics. Our proposed stochastic expert framework is generic and adaptable to any VAE architecture. The experimental results show that the adaptations to various architectures provided performance gains over the existing methods.
Collaborative Filtering, Variational Autoencoder, Deep Generative Models, Neural Networks, Recommender Systems, Variational Inference
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