Leading-edge elongation by follower cell interruption in advancing epithelial cell sheets

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(2022)

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Collective cell migration is seen in many developmental and pathological processes, such as morphogenesis, wound closure, and cancer metastasis. When a fish scale is detached and adhered to a substrate, epithelial keratocyte sheets crawl out from it, building a semicircular pattern. All the keratocytes at the leading edge of the sheet have a single lamellipodium, and are interconnected with each other via actomyosin cables. The leading edge of the sheet becomes gradually longer as it crawls out from the scale, regardless of the cell-to-cell connections. In this study, we found leading-edge elonga-tion to be realized by the interruption of follower cells into the leading edge. The fol-lower cell and the two adjacent leader cells are first connected by newly emerging actomyosin cables. Then, the contractile forces along the cables bring the follower cell forward to make it a leader cell. Finally, the original cables between the two leader cells are stretched to tear by the interruption and the lamellipodium extension from the new leader cell. This unique actomyosin-cable reconnection between a follower cell and adjacent leaders offers insights into the mechanisms of collective cell migration.
actomyosin cable j collective cell migration j lamellipodium
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